mardi 16 novembre 2010


being sentimental
for my family (Aid Mabrouk!)

4 commentaires:

felix a dit…

pa pa
pa pa
papapapa pa pa papapa pa pa
papapapapa pa papapapapa pa papapapapapapa....

i wondered what you were filming.
Have a nice day Dindou

correspondance(s) a dit…

Hey Felix the PapaCat, yes, here is the vision I had coming home last sunday : a nice family sunday morning!

A good friend was hungry seing you preparing the meal in the video and was wondering what it could be...! So here is the answer Himat :
une salade anglo-égyptienne du dimanche (autant dire une belle invention mélangeant choux, pommes, carottes et que sais-je encore!)...

parasian a dit…

Les mains de Papagano... un temps avant de comprendre, et je retombe en enfance.

Sentimentale aussi...
(It's just the wasted years so close behind)

correspondance(s) a dit…

Parasian, as-tu remarqué comme la vue des seules mains font un certain effet d'extase nostalgique... c'est mystérieux, n'est-ce pas?